GCU's Student News Page

GCU's student news got in touch with me after reading the article I had written about Red Hat. I am pleased to say that I have been featured on my University's Student News page due to the vulnerability disclosure. 🤯

GCU Ethical Hacking student identifies major website flaws for massive software company | GCU
A GCU Ethical Hacking student has impressed a large software company for using their skills to fix some significant errors found on their website.
GCU Student News Page

It pays off to be curious, explore and push boundaries.

It's exciting and eye opening how my journey has been over the last year.


"I love what I'm doing and will continue to do it, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Thanks everyone for the continuous motivation, love and support. It really means a lot.

"Surround yourself with positive people."

Have you got any suggestions or questions for me ? Get in touch!

Thank you for reading my article, Until next time!

Your friendly neighbourhood Hacker.